"Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves."
Moses: Oh Lord, please deliver us from the Egyptians! I call upon you to part the Red Sea that your chosen people might flee our pursuers!
Moses raises his staff to the heavens and then slams it into the Red Sea. Nothing happens. He tries again. Nothing happens. Annoyed, Moses turns back to the Hebrews.
Moses: Ok, who's being skeptical?
The Hebrews look back and forth at each other. All eyes eventually focus on Aaron.
Moses: Aaron? Are you using the scientific method again?
Aaron: What? No! Not after that staff-to-snake fiasco!
Moses: Ok, good. Let's try this again.
Aaron: It's just-
Moses: *sigh* What?
Aaron: You're talking about moving several million cubic feet of water here.
Moses: Such is the power of faith.
Aaron: Yeah, but there's still the issue of the laws of thermodynamics. I mean, you're causing a localized decrease in entropy, so that has to manifest somewhere.
Moses: Damnit Aaron.
Aaron: I mean, what if this causes a volcano in the Mediterranean or something?
Moses: Shut up Aaron. *ahem* Oh Lord-
Aaron: And what about the mud?
Moses: What mud?
Aaron: On the sea floor! I mean, that stuff has been soaking for thousands of years. You're really going to try and move ten thousand people and their animals and carts through that mess?
Moses: God will send a mighty wind to dry the land.
Aaron: Yeah, that's the problem. The Egyptians are like a mile behind us. That mighty wind would have to be hurricane force to dry the mud out fast enough.
Moses: *sigh*
Aaron: I suppose we could all just jump up in the air and let God's mighty wind blow us across.
Moses: Aren't you a priest?
Aaron: Yeah, but I'm not a very good one.
Moses: No shiat. Can I get on with the miracle now?
Aaron: Sure, no problem. I'll try to turn my brain off for a few minutes.
Moses: Thank you. *ahem* Oh Lord-
Aaron: What are we going to eat when we get over there?
Moses: *sigh* I don't know, mana from heaven.
Aaron: Oh, great. *wanking motion*